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The five benefits of Apex Courier Company services

For many companies, it’s beneficial to outsource their logistics processes than to (continue to) organize them themselves. The outsourcing creates a certain peace of mind and often has many financial advantages. Certainly it’s possible to let Party A organize the warehousing and let Party B arrange the transport. Ideally, however, a single organization organizes all logistics processes: the so-called bundling of logistics services. It includes a number of advantages for the customer to outsource all parts to a single logistics service provider:

1. One contact, one action

When letting one logistics service provider perform all logistics services, the supply chain gets shorter and becomes more manageable. It comes especially in hand when there are questions about the overall logistics. For example, when something needs to be changed to the stock or the planned transport. In such a case is it convenient to have everything within one organization. There is no need to being shuffled from pillar to post, to deal with different organizations or to determine that it’s just easier to re-arrange the schedules yourself. One call or email to the designated contact person is enough to properly arrange everything at once. The contact person re-organizes the logistics to fit the new requirements.

2. Consistent service

By having the same partner for all logistics components, the customer does not come across any unpleasant surprises when it comes to service. Although different services may be carried out by different departments, they are all a part of the same company and they have the same rules and mentality when it comes to services. The customer can reasonably expect the same (good) service within the same organization. When the components are outsources to various organizations, it may be that one of these organizations creates a delay of the entire logistics processes by inadequate service.











3. Financial advantage

It’s no secret that it is practically always cheaper to accommodate multiple components with one party than to outsource one every component to another party. Many logistics service providers apply a discount in case of a cross-sell or offer package advantage when there are multiple services purchased. Moreover, the complete service is faster because the organization knows exactly when the goods are ready to be picked and a truck can be placed to the dock immediately.

4. Flexibility

The cooperation with only one logistics service provider enables a high degree of flexibility in various ways. The ability to easily increase or decrease the number of square meters of storage goods is one of the advantages. Moreover, it is often possible to add certain services that are only needed for a short amount of time. The customer only has to pay for the services when provided and no longer. In addition, with a logistics service provider that offers all services, a lot of hassle can be avoided when – for example – suddenly complete fulfilment is required. If the logistics service provider does not provide fulfilment, the goods need to be transferred to a fulfilment party first, which is anything but flexible.

5. Personal partnership

Not all logistics service providers have the same vision, but Apex Courier Company strives to know all her clients personally. Apex Courier Company believes that this is the key to a successful partnership. Through building and maintaining close contact with customers continuously, Apex Courier Company can provide the best service and the customer is always free to contact Apex Courier Company for some question or comments. Are you wondering what Apex Courier Company can do for you in the context of taking over logistics services and logistics processes?